Legacy of Our Veterans' Military Exposures
Justice - social, environmental, human
Protecting our veterans' children™


Any donations go directly to Birth Defect Research for Children (BDRC) which is a 503c, nonprofit. BDRC has been working with Vietnam veterans and their families since 1986. BDRC sponsors the only National Birth Defect Registry in the U.S.

About Us

Learn more about our Founders CLICK HERE

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Help fund Birth Defect Research for Children for veterans with toxic military exposures research DONATE NOW

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What we do with your Donation

All donations go to Birth Defect Research for Children
What does Birth Defect Research for Children (BDRC) do with your donation. Help prevent children from being born with birth defects and disabilities that can affect the rest of their lives. Your donation supports research through the National Birth Defect Registry and special services to parents who have children with birth defects. Over the past 5 years, 94 cents of every dollar donated has supported Birth Defect Research for Children’s registry research and parent services...Birth Defect Research for Children is a 501 (C) (3) non-profit organization. Our federal ID number is 59-219-3816.

Our Mission

Our founders are NOT compensated

Our Mission
Legacy of Our Veterans' Military Exposures advocates for the services, support and rights on behalf of our veterans' children and their families affected by the veterans' military exposures.
Our founders are NOT Compensated
Our founders devote their own time and do not receive any payment for their services. Learn more about our Founders CLICK HERE

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