Legacy of Our Veterans' Military Exposures
Justice - social, environmental, human
Protecting our veterans' childrenā„¢

March 14, 2017

This stylized map (not to scale) shows the location of Fort Gordon's Training Area 47 in relation to Richmond, McDuffie, and Jefferson counties. Apparent "defoliant testing areas" are shown in orange. A 1995 sample testing map from the US Army Corps of Engineers is overlaid. (November 18, 2010 / WRDW-TV)

This stylized map (not to scale) shows the location of Fort Gordon’s Training Area 47 in relation to Richmond, McDuffie, and Jefferson counties. Apparent “defoliant testing areas” are shown in orange. A 1995 sample testing map from the US Army Corps of Engineers is overlaid. (November 18, 2010 / WRDW-TV)

Legacy of Our Veterans' Military Exposures
Widow of a Vietnam veteran exposed to Agent Orange and founder of Agent Orange Legacy.

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