Legacy of Our Veterans' Military Exposures
Justice - social, environmental, human
Protecting our veterans' childrenā„¢

Support and Other Facebook Groups

Please be patient while we build this section of our website.

Vietnam War

  • Agent Orange Awareness and Info

    This group will try to bring together ANY veterans and/or family who have been affected by AGENT ORANGE. Its purpose is to try and bring MORE awareness of the problems caused by AO to the public, to list those veterans' problems for comparison with other vets, to organize a guestbook of such problems and to help those in need of filing claims. Find Support
  • Guam & Agent Orange - TCE

    This site is for people to share their accounts of Agent Orange, TCE, Radiation, or any other contamination on Guam. Veterans, Civilians and Contractors are all welcomeļ»æ. Thank You! Find Support
  • Agent Orange Association of Canada Inc.

    Over one billion grams of Agent Orange, Agent Purple and Agent White were sprayed on CFB Gagetown and surrounding communities from 1956 to 1984 consisting of 3.3 million litres and kilograms of Dioxin, Picloram, 2,4-D + 2,4,5-T, and Hexachlorobenzene Learn more
  • VASVW ā€¢ Veterans Assn Sailors of the Vietnam War

  • Vietnam Veterans with Glioblastoma

    A closed facebook group Learn more
  • Glioblastoma Support Group

    Closed support facebook group Find Support
  • Vietnam Buddy Search

  • Vietnam Buddy Finder

Exposure to Agent Orange by Location

  • Fort McClellan Agent Orange Connection

    This group is for individuals who have been affected by the contamination at Ft. McClellan, such as WACs, MPs and Chem School personnel. Join Here
  • Ft. McClellan Toxic Service

    The group is for Veterans, Soldiers and Marines who served at Ft. McClellan, AL. Join Herenotif_t=group_r2j_approved
  • Contaminated Forgotten Veterans of Fort McClellan

    Veterans who were at Fort McClellan, who are willing to work together, to get a registry, and to get the Presumptive law changes to CFR Title 38. Join Here
  • Fort McClellan's Toxic Secrets and the Health Registry Act

    This group is for people who are interested in learning about the Health Registry Act, legislature and in learning about possible health issues stemming from toxic exposure at Ft. McClellan and what you can do to help. Join Here
  • The American Widows Project

    providing vital support to military widows with program that unify, educate, empower and assist in rebuilding their lives in the face of tragedy. Learn more
  • WOMEN ONLY: VetWives of America

    Veteran's Family & Friends Discussion List. Topics include PTSD, Military, Retirement, dealing with the VA. All branches of service and all eras, not just war time service. ATTN: This is a HIGH VOLUME list (approx 80 - 100 emails per day) with some wonderful people that share their daily lives, coping skills, and just be there to support each other. Membership is not restricted to US only but is open worldwide to vetwives anywhere. Learn more
  • WOMEN ONLY: Veterans Widows Support Group

    This list is for Widows of Veteran's any branch of service, any era, war or peacetime. Discussions range from DIC, Widows Benefits & Entitlements, Agent Orange and how it has affected family members, Dealing with the Veteran's Administration, life outside the military, 2nd Hand PTSD, Your future, Getting on With Life, and many other issues involving Veteran's Widows. WOMEN ONLY. Learn more
  • Veterans-For-Change Advocacy Group

  • Christian Veterans and Wives

    This is an open group for all veterans, wives and children of veterans to find information on the problems of PTSD, Agent Orange, Diabetes, the Gulf War Syndrome and other problems that face us each day. Learn more

Gulf War

Iraq War

Afghanistan (OEF)



Atsugi Japan Shinkampo Incinerator (Dioxin)

  • NAF Atsugi Incinerator Group

    The Department of the Navy (DON) Knowingly Exposed Military Members and Their Families To Toxic Incinerator Emissions From 1985-2001 (16 Years). Join Here

Radiation Exposure

  • Enewetak Atoll Clean-up Project Vets

    A place for United States Military Veterans,their family and civilians involved in the clean-up of Enewetak Atoll, to share their stories, pictures and to exchange information. This group was started for Veterans and their families. Join Here
  • Chernobyl Exposure for Overseas Veterans 1986-2005

  • K2 Karshi Khanabad, Uzbekistan Radiation and Toxic Exposures

    K2 Karshi Khanabad group is a closed and limited group specifically intended for American military personnel or civilians with verifiable deployment to this location to discuss contamination and health issues. If you are not personally known to the administrators, you should provide with your request to join, a private message indicating when you deployed to K2, with which service component and which unit. Join Here