Legacy of Our Veterans' Military Exposures
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Medical Doctors Support

Vietnam War

Doctors Helping Vets Exposed to Agent Orange

  • STOMACH CANCER>>>Dr. Brian Dorsk

    The turning point of the case came when a local oncologist who is also a professor at the University of New England Medical School in Maine, Dr. Brian Dorsk, explained that although stomach cancer is not one of the many cancers that has been associated with Agent Orange, based on the limited studies available he felt that it was as probable as not that Mr. Brown’s stomach cancer was related to his exposure to Agent Orange. After weighing the medical opinions provided by the VA opposing Ms. Brown’s claim and Dr. Dorsk’s opinion that the chemicals which make up Agent Orange could have caused the cancer, the Board found in Ms. Brown’s favor. Learn more
  • Dr. Laura Ford-Mukkamala – Southeastern Cardiology Associates

    For several years he suspected Agent Orange affected his health. In the Fall of 2010 heart problems led Smith to St. Francis Hospital and ultimately a cardiologist. “He was having a lot of problems with his energy and having a lot of shortness of breath,” says Dr. Laura Ford-Mukkamala of Southeastern Cardiology Associates. After a battery of tests, Smith was diagnosed with Ischemic heart disease. His suspicions about Agent Orange were on target. “ It is one of the conditions that’s related to Agent Orange,” says Dr. Ford-Mukkamala. Learn more
  • MAINE – RETIRED - Dr. David J. Goodenough, MD practices neurologist

    Practices neurology Learn more
  • NORTH CAROLINA: Dr. R. Ramachandran – Fayetteville Nephrology Associates Pa

    Dr. Rangasamy Ramachandran MD is a male Nephrologist, has 32 years of experience and practices in Neurology and Nephrology. Learn more