Legacy of Our Veterans' Military Exposures
Justice - social, environmental, human
Protecting our veterans' children™

Occupational Hazards

Industrial Solvents

Industrial Solvents Usually liquid, used to dissolve, degrease, clean, strip paint, etc.


Metal that can be toxic for certain uses


Dental technicians, nuclear weapons technicians, and others with routine and usually safe exposure

Fuels (Petroleum, Oils, Lubricants)

Fuels such as diesel and JP-8 used to operate vehicles in the military


Polychlorinated biphenyl used as coolant and insulating fluid

CARC Paint

Chemical Agent Resistant Coating (CARC) used on military vehicles to resist corrosion and chemical agents

Spina Bifida is the only birth defect VA recognizes as being linked to exposure to Agent Orange in the children of male Vietnam veterans.

Spina Bifida

Spina Bifida is the only birth defect recognized by the VA linked to Agent Orange in the children of male Vietnam veterans.

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