Legacy of Our Veterans' Military Exposures
Justice - social, environmental, human
Protecting our veterans' childrenā„¢


Agent Orange Legacy
Agent Orange

Bile Duct (Cholangiocarcinoma) Cancer

Not a Presumptive Disease Bile Duct (Cholangiocarcinoma) Cancer is not currently a presumptive disease recognized by the VA. Ā  There are many veterans exposed to Agent Orange who


Dioxins have no common uses. They are manufactured on a small scale for chemical and toxicological research, but mostly exist as by-products of industrial processes such as
2,4-D Herbicide

2,4 -D Herbicide

Rise of the Superweeds Human Health and 2,4-D Farming and 2,4-D Risks to Children from 2,4-D Pets, Wildlife and 2,4-D

Parkinson’s Disease

Veteran’s & Parkinson’s Disease Were you exposed to herbicides during service and have Parkinsonā€™s disease? You may qualify for VA benefits. Learn more Agent Orange
Chiari (kee-AR-ee) malformation is a serious neurological disorder

Arnold Chiari Malformation (ACM)

Chiari (kee-AR-ee) malformation is a serious neurological disorder where the lower part of the brain, the cerebellum (which controls balance and coordination) descends into the