Legacy of Our Veterans' Military Exposures
Justice - social, environmental, human
Protecting our veterans' childrenā„¢


Faces of Agent Orange


Dioxins have no common uses. They are manufactured on a small scale for chemical and toxicological research, but mostly exist as by-products of industrial processes such as
2,4-D Herbicide

2,4 -D Herbicide

Rise of the Superweeds Human Health and 2,4-D Farming and 2,4-D Risks to Children from 2,4-D Pets, Wildlife and 2,4-D

Ehlors Danlos Syndrome (EDS)

Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS) is a group of disorders that affect connective tissues, which are tissues that support the skin, bones, blood vessels, and other organs. Defects in

Vietnam War Exposures

AGENT ORANGE First Agent Orange case in US is won by a veteranĀ  VETERAN’S DISEASES VA Links Brain Cancer to Agent Orange Exposure in Recent Court Decision

2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-Dioxin (TCDD)

TCDD is the most potent compound (congener) of its series (polychlorinated dibenzodioxins, known as PCDDs or simply dioxins) and became known as a contaminant in Agent Orange, a
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Spina Bifida Occulta (SBO)

Spina Bifida Occulta: A mild form of Spina Bifida
also called Spina Bifida Cystica

Myelomeningocele (Spina Bifida)

A myelomeningocele (say: MY-ell-oh-meh-NING-go-seal) occurs when the outer part of the vertebrae have not completely closed, creating an abnormal opening. With a myelomeningocele,
Meningocele (Spina Bifida)

Meningocele (Spina Bifida)

A meningocele (say: meh-NING-go-seal) occurs when the outer part of the vertebrae have not completely closed, leaving an opening. The spinal cord itself may not be affected, but
Chiari (kee-AR-ee) malformation is a serious neurological disorder

Arnold Chiari Malformation (ACM)

Chiari (kee-AR-ee) malformation is a serious neurological disorder where the lower part of the brain, the cerebellum (which controls balance and coordination) descends into the
Spina Bifida is the only birth defect VA recognizes as being linked to exposure to Agent Orange in the children of male Vietnam veterans.

Spina Bifida

Spina Bifida is the only birth defect recognized by the VA linked to Agent Orange in the children of male Vietnam veterans.