Legacy of Our Veterans' Military Exposures
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Arnold Chiari Malformation (ACM)

is a serious neurological disorder where the lower part of the brain, the cerebellum (which controls balance and coordination) descends into the spinal canal. Since the skull is not big enough, the tips of the cerebellum, called the cerebellar tonsils, are pushed down through the foramen magnum (the bottom part of the skull) where the brain attaches to the spinal cord.

Chiari (kee-AR-ee) malformation is a serious neurological disorder where the lower part of the brain, the cerebellum (which controls balance and coordination) descends into the spinal canal –Ā Learn more

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Migraine Glasses


Doctor Directory

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Secondary Illnesses

Some Chiarians Also Have


Special Education and Section 504

Assistance for Children with Chiari


Children of Women Vietnam Veterans

Birth Defects recognized in the children of women Vietnam veterans



The UPMC Chiari Center – Leaders in Chiari Malformation Diagnosis and Treatment.

Posted by UPMC on Thursday, February 19, 2015