Legacy of Our Veterans' Military Exposures
Justice - social, environmental, human
Protecting our veterans' childrenā„¢

January 03, 2015

Legacy of Our Veterans' Military Exposures
Widow of a Vietnam veteran exposed to Agent Orange and founder of Agent Orange Legacy.
  1. Karen Reply

    Pseudotumor cerebri (idiopathic intracranial hypertension), born with a blood disorder (abo incompatibility) tons of bladder and ear infections over the years, back problems,
    My dad was in Vietnam (nui ba den, cu chi, etc) 66-68.

  2. Gina Reply

    My Dad was in Vietnam and confirmed exposed to agent orange. I have multiple sclerosis, medullary sponge kidneys and mitral valve prolapse. First in my family with these problems.

  3. Julie Bird Reply

    My father was in the Vietnam War. He passed away December 25, 2015 with Lung cancer. My sister died at 46 with massive heart attack, However she was diagnosed at 22 with rheumatoid arthritis. I am 48 years old. I have rheumatoid arthritis and over come thyroid cancer in 2015. I also have ADD and I have two boys with learning disability and one with addiction issues and the other with AV reentrant .
    Help me figure out how and where I got this. I actually have my BSN degree and continue to further my education to learn more.

    • LOVME Reply

      So sorry for delayed response. Here is a link where you can find more info and some answers>>>https://lovme.org/important-links-for-children-of-veterans-exposed-to-agent-orange/

  4. Kimberly Gilman Reply

    Type Two Diabetes,insulin dependant, first two in our family line. I also have panic disorder, agoraphobia, depression, hypertension, chest wall pain (forget the name for it) recurring nightmares, menorrhagia (constant for a year) which has lead to anemia. I was born within a year of my father returning from Vietnam, MP, Army.

    • LOVME Reply

      Thank you for your comment. I am sorry to hear about your health issues. Here are a couple of links that you should find helpful>>>https://lovme.org/important-links-for-children-of-veterans-exposed-to-agent-orange/ AND https://lovme.org/agent-orange-legacy-chiari/. We also offer a closed group on facebook for families of veterans exposed to Agent Orange at this link>>>https://www.facebook.com/groups/aolivingwithagentorange/.

    • LOVME Reply

      Hi Kimberly, Thank you for your comment. Here are a couple of links that you should find helpful: IMPORTANT LINKS FOR CHILDREN OF VETERANS EXPOSED TO AGENT ORANGE>>>https://lovme.org/important-links-for-children-of-veterans-exposed-to-agent-orange/ AND Agent Orange Legacy – Chiari>>>https://lovme.org/agent-orange-legacy-chiari/. We also offer a closed group on facebook for families of veterans exposed to Agent Orange and the veteran. You are welcome to join at this link>>>https://www.facebook.com/groups/aolivingwithagentorange/

  5. Nicole borda Reply

    I was Bron with one kidney I’m at stage 4 with kidney disease my father was exposed with agent orange in 68 I also have learning disabilities an anger problems.

    • LOVME Reply

      Hi Nicole, Thank you for your comment. I am sorry to hear you have kidney disease. Here are some links that you should find helpful: IMPORTANT LINKS FOR CHILDREN OF VETERANS EXPOSED TO AGENT ORANGE>>>https://lovme.org/important-links-for-children-of-veterans-exposed-to-agent-orange/ AND Agent Orange Legacy – Chiari>>>https://lovme.org/agent-orange-legacy-chiari/. We also offer a closed support group on facebook for families of veterans exposed to Agent Orange and the veterans. You are welcome to join us at this link>>>https://www.facebook.com/groups/aolivingwithagentorange/

  6. Jodi Walsh Reply

    My Father served. Is 100% disabled and in very poor physical condition. I have/had Dyslexia, ADHD, appendicitis, endometriosis, carpal tunnel, spacial sense disorder, suffered post partum depression, heart palpitations. My son has ADHD, anxiety, depression, OCD, non verbal Learning disability, intermittent explosive disorder.

    Would love to get more about any connections that exist.

    • LOVME Reply

      So sorry for delayed response. Here a link where you can get further info and some answers>>>https://lovme.org/important-links-for-children-of-veterans-exposed-to-agent-orange/

  7. Elbert Sammons Reply

    My father was in the Vietnam war. I was born with holes in my heart. Had heart surgery at the age of 3 and was told I would not live past age 15. I am now 40 and living with a heart murmur. Also have problems with my temper and depression.

  8. katie Romines Lane Reply

    I have thyroid disease since birth and on highest medication. Skin cancer. Mental distress. Anxiety. Ptsd. Im a daughter of vietnam veteran exposed to Agent Orange.

  9. Carol Knight Reply

    Dad in Vietnam war. Passed of Lung cancer.

    • LOVME Reply

      So sorry for delayed response and very sorry for your loss

  10. Carol Knight Reply

    Dad passed lung cancer in Vietnam war.

  11. Carol Knight Reply

    Dad in Vietnam War died of Lung cancer. I had thyroid cancer with thyroid removed. Bipolar, PTSD, DID, anxiety. Son bipolar. Would like more info.

    • LOVME Reply

      So sorry for delayed response and sorry for your loss. You can find more information at this link>>>https://lovme.org/?s=important+links+for+children+of+veterans+exposed+to+agent+orange

  12. Carol Knight Reply

    Dad passed lung cancer in Vietnam War. I had thyroid removed, doctors believed thyroid cancer. Now, have anxiety, bipolar, DID, PTSD. Son is bipolar with insomnia.

    Would like more information.

  13. christina lynn street Reply

    Hypertension,fibromyalgia,migraines,bi-polar and anxiety disorder

    • Linda Frazier Reply

      me too. šŸ™

  14. roger black Reply

    would like info. on children with, defects, caused by agent orange.

    • LOVME Reply

      What kind of info…

  15. Bruce M. Vesper Reply

    My father was in the Vietnam War. I have a learning disablility and dislexia.

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