Legacy of Our Veterans' Military Exposures
Justice - social, environmental, human
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VA Publishes Final Regulation to Aid Veterans Exposed to Agent Orange in Korea

“VA’s primary mission is to be an advocate for Veterans,” said Secretary of Veterans Affairs Eric K. Shinseki “With this new regulation VA has cleared a path for more Veterans who served in the demilitarized zone in Korea to receive access to our quality health care and...

Defoliants in DMZ

In addition to the side effects from the use of toxic defoliants suffered by Korean troops in the Vietnam War, the government has now confirmed the use of the same chemicals in 1968 and 1969 along the DMZ. In some respects it was inevitable that these had to be used to clear fire...

AO & BLUE WATER NAVY: Inconclusive Agent Orange Study Is Conclusive Enough for Vet Groups

Inconclusive Agent Orange Study Is Conclusive Enough for Vet Groups “No group of individuals has stronger factual exposure than any other, putting Army, Navy, Marine, Air Force and Coast Guard personnel on an equal footing regarding the possibility of exposure to herbicides in...