Legacy of Our Veterans' Military Exposures
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Traumatic Brain Injury

‘Shell Shock’ā€”The 100-Year Mystery May Now Be Solved

                          The findings, published Thursday in the medical journal the Lancet Neurology, reveal a unique and consistent pattern of damage in the autopsied brains of eight military service members who...

10 Myths About Traumatic Brain Injury

Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
Traumatic brain injury is pervasive in both civilian and military populations. In fact, TBI in the civilian population is eight times as frequent as breast cancer, AIDS, spinal-cord injury, and multiple sclerosis combined. According to the Center for Deployment Psychology, an...

PTSD and Brain Injury: Double Trouble for Veterans

Discussing the genesis of the study, Combs said: “We decided to investigate the cognitive impairment associated with mild TBI when it is combined with PTSD because, in the literature, far less is known about when both of those problems are combined.” “Most of...