Legacy of Our Veterans' Military Exposures
Justice - social, environmental, human
Protecting our veterans' childrenā„¢


Veterans Healthcare

Veterans Health Administration Update: MILITARY EXPOSURES

Camp Lejeune Water Contamination
We’ve corrected the date the law was signed to Dec. 16, 2014. Veterans and their families who lived at Camp Lejeune for 30 days or more between Aug. 1, 1953 and Dec. 31, 1987 may be eligible for VA health benefits. A Dec. 16, 2014 law changed the eligibility date from Jan....

VA empire strikes back ā€” bureaucrats vs. veteransā€™ health

The ink is barely dry on the 8.6 million ā€œChoice Cardsā€ that supposedly allow vets to see a doctor outside the delay-plagued VA system. But Obamaā€™s budget tries to snatch the $10 billion allocated for choice and let VA top administrators spend it however they want. Itā€™s a...

Online Prescription Tracker Gives Veterans 24/7 Online Access to Status

Veterans can now track the status of most of their prescriptions online, thanks to an innovative idea by a Department of Veterans Affairsā€™ (VA) employee. The new 24/7 service allows online tracking for most prescriptions mailed from the VA Mail Order Pharmacy. The Prescription...