5.1 Original contributions made by you
5.1.1 LOVME may invite you to make, share or submit your own, original contributions to LOVME Online Services. These Terms of Use and any Additional Terms for particular LOVME Online Services set out the rules governing how you may submit your own, original contributions to LOVME Online Services and how LOVME may use your contribution. Your contribution may include text, photographs, graphics, video or audio.
5.2 How LOVME will use your contribution
5.2.1 If you submit your contribution to LOVME you must allow LOVME to use the material in your contribution in any way it may reasonably choose on a free-of-charge basis in any media throughout the world. Any contributions you make may be moderated by LOVME which means they may be reviewed, edited and/or removed. LOVME reserves the right to remove any of your contributions if LOVME believes that they do not comply with the Terms.
5.3 How LOVME can share your contribution
5.3.1 You grant LOVME the right to change or edit the materials in your contribution for operational and editorial reasons. LOVME may also share your contribution with trusted third parties, for instance with other users of LOVME Online Services or, in the case of news-related material, LOVME may share your contribution with its overseas partners (for instance reputable foreign parties advocating on behalf of victims of toxic (military) exposures).
5.4 Your copyright remains with you
5.4.1 Any copyright in your contribution will remain with you and this permission is not exclusive, so you can continue to use the material you contribute in any way including allowing others to use it.
5.5 When you need to obtain consent
5.5.1 You confirm that your contribution is your own original work, is not defamatory or unlawful and does not infringe anyone else’s rights (including privacy rights) and that it complies with the Terms. You also confirm that your contribution is made in your personal (rather than business) capacity and that such contribution does not unfairly promote or further any business activities and has not been contributed for commercial gain. You also confirm that you have the consent of anyone who is identifiable in your contribution or the consent of their parent/guardian if they are under 16.
5.6 Anonymity not always possible
5.6.1 We normally show your name with your contribution, unless you request otherwise, but for operational reasons this is not always possible.
5.7 When and how LOVME may contact you
5.7.1 LOVME may need to contact you for administrative or verification purposes in relation to your contribution, or in relation to particular projects. For full details of when and how we may contact you please see LOVME’s Privacy policy plus any specific local terms, where applicable.
5.8 Stay safe and obey the laws
5.8.1 Please do not endanger yourself or others, take any unnecessary risks or break any laws when creating any content you may share with LOVME.
5.9 If LOVME asks for personal information
5.9.1 As part of your contribution, LOVME may ask you to provide some personal information. Disclosure of this information shall be subject to terms set out in LOVME’s Privacy Policy. LOVME will keep your personal information secure and will only use it for the purposes specified in the Privacy Policy. All personal information held by LOVME will be held in accordance with the terms of applicable data protection laws.
5.10 Granting your consent to LOVME
5.10.1 If you have any questions about contributing content to LOVME, please see our Help and Editorial Guidlines.