Legacy of Our Veterans' Military Exposures
Justice - social, environmental, human
Protecting our veterans' children™

Veteran Descendants Health Survey

LOVME is gathering health information about our members to help us better understand the issues affecting them. It is not known if these illnesses are caused by the veteran parent(s) exposure to Agent Orange or other Military Exposures. The only birth defect recognized in the children of male Vietnam veterans is spina bifida. VA also recognizes a number of birth defects in the children of women Vietnam veterans. Currently the VA does not recognize any birth defects in the children of Gulf war veterans.
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Vietnam War

Reported Illnesses for descendants of veterans affected by Agent Orange and other Military Exposures from the Vietnam era.
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Gulf War

Reported Illnesses for descendants of Gulf War veterans affected by Military Exposures.
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Iraq (OIF/OND)

Reported Illnesses for descendants of Iraqi veterans affected by Military Exposures.
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Afghanistan (OEF)

Reported Illnesses for descendants of Afghanistan veterans affected by Military Exposures.
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World War II

Reported Illnesses for descendants of World War II veterans affected by Military Exposures.
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Korean War

Reported Illnesses for descendants of Korean veterans affected by Military Exposures.
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Cold War Era

Reported Illnesses for descendants of Cold War Era veterans affected by Military Exposures.
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Super Fund Sites

Reported Illnesses for descendants of veterans exposed directly, in utero or as a result of the veterans Military Exposure(s) to a number of toxic substances while having been stationed at a U.S. Military base which was later designated as a Superfund site .
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    Our task is to report the facts. To date we have found that a very large percentage of our members suffer from multiple illnesses. This is the list of birth defects, illnesses, diseases, mental health issues etc. reported by our members as of June 2010

    LOVME does not claim that these illnesses are or are not caused by our member(s) veteran parent(s) Military Exposure. We do, however, believe that a great many of the reported birth defects, autoimmune and rare diseases, mental health illness and learning disabilities are related to the veteran parent(s)exposure to Agent Orange and other toxic substances. We also believe that no matter the cause that there is enough evidence to prove that the children of Vietnam veterans exposed to Agent Orange are experiencing a health crisis and so are their children. Thus requiring the attention of our elected officials and our government.

    Please make an effort and take the time to document how Agent Orange has effected your life. It is imperative that we create Congressional Testimony to present to our elected officials so we can begin to address this crisis among our children and grandchildren. If you have questions about how you can get started please email us at aolegacy@gmail.com.

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