Legacy of Our Veterans' Military Exposures
Justice - social, environmental, human
Protecting our veterans' children™

Widow of Veteran Granted Benefits after Eleven Years

June 27, 2014



The turning point of the case came when a local oncologist who is also a professor at the University of New England Medical School in Maine, Dr. Brian Dorsk, explained that although stomach cancerloveme(tm) is not one of the many cancers that has been associated with Agent Orange, based on the limited studies available he felt that it was as probable as not that Mr. Brown’s stomach cancer was related to his exposure to Agent Orange. After weighing the medical opinions provided by the VA opposing Ms. Brown’s claim and Dr. Dorsk’s opinion that the chemicals which make up Agent Orange could have caused the cancer, the Board found in Ms. Brown’s favor. Source: Board of Veterans’ Appeals decision on Docket No. 02-02 971, June 15, 2011, pages 9-11. This was a huge victory because no one else in the country has succeeded in persuading the Board that stomach cancer could be caused by Agent Orange.

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Legacy of Our Veterans' Military Exposures
Widow of a Vietnam veteran exposed to Agent Orange and founder of Agent Orange Legacy.

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