Legacy of Our Veterans' Military Exposures
Justice - social, environmental, human
Protecting our veterans' children™

Toxic Military Exposures Our Health

February 18, 2017

Toxic Military Exposures Our Health is a closed group on facebook.  The purpose of the group is to begin to gather information from the wives, widows, partners and mothers and grandmothers of the children of veterans living with the veterans toxic military exposure such as Agent Orange, Burn Pits, Chemical Weapons, etc.

Over the years, I have noticed that, many of our veterans wives have either become ill, had miscarriages and/or passed on.

Although, I do not have a citation to support this claim, it is my understanding that the wives are also affected by the veterans’ toxic military exposure such as Agent Orange via saliva, sperm and finally in utero where the baby’s cells migrate to the mother’s body.


Baby’s Cells Can Manipulate Mom’s Body for Decades at this link

Legacy of Our Veterans' Military Exposures
Widow of a Vietnam veteran exposed to Agent Orange and founder of Agent Orange Legacy.
  1. Tiffany Fyffe Drozd Reply

    I’m daughter of Vietnam Vet. Dad served in the Marines and was in Vietnam around 1966 67. I can get more specific information. I’m disabled due to Epilepsy STROKES X2 PNES. ANXIETY PTSD. on and ON. I’m 48. WasRN BSN. I’ve had genetic test due to my medication issues. I have MTHFR. How do I connect w VA TO get Agent Orange DNA test

    • LOVME Reply

      So sorry for delayed response. Here is a link where you can get answer to your questions under FAQs>>>https://lovme.org/important-links-for-children-of-veterans-exposed-to-agent-orange/

  2. D Brown Reply

    I enlisted in 1975 as one of the first women into a MOS/AFSC which involved exposure to solvents and jet fuel without Personal Protection Equipment (PPE). Some of the tasks we performed are now considered hazardous duty and are awarded HD pay. The Australian government did an extensive study (S.H.O.A.M.P.) of personnel who were in the same MOS/AFSC due to the ill-health of those individuals. One of the considerations resulting from this study was that genetic testing would be available.

    • LOVME Reply

      So sorry for delayed response. Interesting!! Do you have a link?

    • LOVME Reply

      So sorry for delayed response. Do you have a link??

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